By Travis Smith on October 10, 2019

Securing Our Future - Why Do We Care So Much?

Being comfortable with our current state is only one measure of security. Most of us waiver between moments of “what if…” and “one day”. Our actions to navigate these uncertainties are improved by 1) visible progress 2) having others with us along the way.

Are we wired for insecurity?

When I was 5 years old the best future I could imagine involved Kraft Mac and Cheese and my two best friends.

austin-pacheco-FtL07GM9Q7Y-unsplashAt 10 it was dressing up and going to work just like my parents so I could come home with my friends who of course lived next door.

At 15 I wanted to “be” something that paid a lot of money so I could hang out with my friends

At 18 it was about acting independent but surrounded by my friends

At 25 it was about it was about being independent, but not isolated.

At 35 it was about meeting the needs of my family

Today… I am back to creating moments where I can eat what I want with the people that mean the most.

The Big Questions

According to The Atlantic article “The Reason Many Ultrarich People Aren’t Satisfied With Their Wealth”, there are two questions that people ask themselves to measure their level of satisfaction, “Am I doing better than before?” and “How do I compare to others?”

These questions imply that most people, regardless of their current state, are actively searching for growth while weighing the risk of failure and perception of others.

Whether it is achieving financial freedom, participating new experiences or any other of the milestones that we use to define our own security, it must be simpler to arrive at these moments or we risk the target shifting and feeling like we are falling farther behind.

How we answer these questions?

When it comes to securing our future we too often see it as a want instead of an objective. We believe it is something aspirational, but not achievable. To change this mentality we need to focus on 2 steps:

  1. Pick a point in time and define what you need to do to get there

    Changing our future state to a mission and then outlining the steps to get there make it attainable. A platform like TribeVest guides us in the formation of realistic goals and actions aligned with your ultimate objectives.

    For example:
    I will feel secure when: I fill that I am experiencing more of the world (objective)
    Goal: Take a trip to someplace I have never been, but always wanted to go in the next 12 months
    Path: Monthly savings of $200/months
    Focus: Where can I go for $2,400 in one year

  2. Validate and accelerate your goal with others

    Once we realize that what we want to feel secure is a shared feeling, we can accelerate the fulfillment of the the objective with others we know and trust. Imagine how the trip you take if you multiply your trip budget by 5. Now imagine how the value of the trip might evolve with shared communication, planning, and experiences.

Will this fix the problem?

I think we have settled on the fact that the definition of a secure future evolves. So, the solution to the problem is to adopt practices and tools that can help you adapt and meet milestones as these change.

Bering aligned with the right tribe, having the ability to organize and communicate easily, defining clear and actionable objectives, and seeing the progress toward them are all steps that will help get you on your way…

and that TribeVest helps small groups do everyday. 

Published by Travis Smith October 10, 2019